Tuesday 7 June 2011

Theatre gig city factory 14/2/2011

This gig consisted of five performance class bands which were;
·         The guess, drummer, bassist,1 guitar and lead vocalist
·         Hammered, drummer, bassist, 2 guitars and lead vocalist
·         5th Wheel, drummer, bassist, 2 guitars, keyboard and lead vocalist
·         Medium rare, drummer, bassist , 2 guitars and 3 vocalists
·         Progressive darkness, drummer, bassist, 2 guitars and lead singer.
The gear list for this gig was;
·         Drum kit 
·         Behringer bass amp
·         Roland cube 60x guitar
·         Orange tiny terror
·         XLRS 17
·         Mic stands 7
·         Plug board 2
·         Extension reels 2
·         Kettle leads 8
·         Nord keyboard
·         3 The Box MA120 wedge monitors
·         4 DI boxes
The channel list for this gig was;
·         Kick (pg52)
·         Snare top (PG56)
·         Rack 1 mounted tom (PG56)
·         Floor tom (PG56)
·         Bass DI (Mono DI)
·         Electric guitar left (SM57a)
·         Electric guitar right (Audix-i5)
·         Nord keyboard
·         Vocal left (SM58)
·         Vocal Centre (SM58)
·         Vocal right (SM58)

Aux channels
Monitors 1-3
·         1 centre stage
·         2 right stage
·         3 drum monitors
·         5+6 stereo reverb
Below is the stage plan for the theatre gig;

Are first task was to arrange the seating area for the audience, making sure all seats were correctly spaced and safe incase of tripping for health and safety. We then started to set all the gear up ready for the bands to arrive, on stage was a large drum mat and this helped with housekeeping and health safety. Making sure all cables were neatly run under the mat to avoid tripping for the band members and all equipment was secure and neat. After setting the equipment up on stage as a group the next stage was to carry out a sound check before the gig started, we had a few class mates as stage hands and they acted as vocalists to check the levels of the mics. After about half an hour the first band arrived to do the rest of the sound check, so we proceeded in sound checking the guitar amps (mic’d), bass DI, Nord keyboard and the drum kit. After checking all levels we were happy for the bands to proceed although only two of the bands had turned up by this stage and the audience had started to fill the seating area causing some lectures to get frustrated due to bad time keeping from the arranged bands. Finally the rest of the bands arrived and we decided to take turns in groups of two to engineer a band each, myself and Kevin McAleese engineered one of the bands. The problems we encountered during the gig was feedback through the stage monitors due to the band turning the guitar amps up far too loud, we overcome this by sending the stage hands to tell the bands to turn the guitar amps down. Overall the gig went really well although we found we could improve on areas such as more EQ’ing and better monitor mixes. Unfortunately i was only able to get one picture of the gig due to time restrictions.

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